First of all who is Abe the Aviator ?
Basically it is a nom-de-plume for Bernard Martin ! It derives from my association, from 1978 to1998, with the AIR-BRITAIN FLY-IN.
For one of the early posters, the AIR-BRITAIN Graphics Officer, Cliff Minney (who sadly died 13 May 2004), produced a design including an early aviator wearing the traditional flying helmet and jacket and reading a map. Although not possessing any special significance, other than representing the Vintage & Classic style of our Fly-Ins, I decided to bring the image to life by giving him a name.
Since he was to be associated with the Fly-In organised by AIR-BRITAIN and the latter is often simply referred to by the initials "A B", I decided that the nearest sounding name for the character should be Abe - OK - so I know that it is corny but it is true!
When, some years ago, I undertook the writing of the Enthusiast's Column in POPULAR FLYING - the journal of the then PFA (now LAA), I decided to adopt Abe as my alter ego and have used it ever since in most areas of writing !
Having "invented" the name, I suppose the usage copyright is mine, but I must credit Cliff Minney for drawing him in the first place and, if you enlarge the image and look closely, you will see his CM initials under his left sleeve !