My original webpages contained potted histories of most of the aircraft likely to be seen at Duxford. These are compiled in pdf format and include photos taken by myself over the years. Obviously uploading these to this new website will take some while, so do not expect to see all those listed below for the moment ! Even where a pdf link exists, some aircraft have not yet had the full BM-potted history treatment and only the basic details appear at the moment.
In this section my intent is to have a fuller description of each aircraft at Duxford, mostly in a common format as follows:
A photograph of the aircraft as it is, or, in some cases, what it was originally or at other times in its history - all photos are by the compiler unless otherwise stated
The most obvious identity to be seen on the exhibit - whether real or false
The real identity of the exhibit
The Type, c/n and any other identities of the exhibit
A brief (or in some cases a more comprehensive) history of the exhibit. This is obviously an on-going task and, initially, only brief details may be given.The source of these histories will usually be from data amassed during my long membership (1956+) of Air-Britain and a lot of material will have first appeared in A-B publications over the years. In particular, maximum use will have been made of the Aircraft Type Monographs and taking advantage of the extensive research performed by other members over many years. For UK Registered aircraft much background has been researched personally by the author of these webpages, with specific reference to original documentation maintained by the CAA and their forbears. Occasionally extracts have come from the owner/operator's own webpages and specific credit is then given.
Although Readers will have their own pdf access preferences, I always use Adobe Acrobat reader DC .
Gradually, the list that follows will allow a Click on the entry to access the pdf - but please be patient as details are transferred from the old website !
Aerospatiale/BAe Concorde G-AXDN
American Museum Harvard Replica
Bristol Blenheim Mk I Nose L6739
Consolidated (Ford) B-24M USAF 44-51228
de Havilland Canada Beaver G-DHCZ
de Havilland Canada Chipmunk G-BYSJ
de Havilland Canada Chipmunk G-BXCV
de Havilland Tiger Moth composite N6635
de Havilland Dragon Rapide G-AKIF
de Havilland Dragon Rapide G-AGJG
de Havilland Dragon Rapide G-AIYR
de Havilland Leopard Moth G-ACMN
De Havilland Tiger Moth G-ANRM
English Electric Lightning XM135
English Electric Canberra WH725
General Dynamics F-111E USAF 67-0120
Handley Page Dart Herald G-APWJ
Hawker Hunter F.6 RNethAF N-250
Hawker Hurricane Replica Z2315REP
Hawker Hurricane Replica BAPC267
Hispano HA.1112M1L (Bf.109) G-AWHK
Mitsubishi A6M-3 Model 22 Zero
North American A-10A USAF 77-0259
North American P-51 Replica BAPC255
North American (CCF) T-6 G-BGPB
North American (Noorduyn)Harvard G-BTXI
Republic P-47D Composite N47DD
Republic P-47D-40-RA Thunderbolt G-THUN
Vickers-Supermarine Walrus Mk.1 G-WLRS
Vickers Supermarine 300 Spitfire IA G-AIST
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk IA G-CFGJ
Vickers Supermarine 300 Spitfire I G-CGUK
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire FR.XIVe G-SPIT
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire LF.Vb G-MKVB
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire Tr9 G-CCCA
Vickers Supermarine 509 Spitfire Tr.9 G-CTIX
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire Tr9 G-LFIX
Vickers Supermarine 361 Spitfire HF.IX G-CGYJ
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire LF.IXb G-ASJV
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire F.22 PK624
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire F.24 VN485
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire L.Vc G-LFVC